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March 29th, 2025

D3 Innovation Hub

Mobility Challenge 

What is the
Mobility Challenge?

The Mobility Challenge is a 1 day hybrid event happening in Montreal. Teams of 3-4 mobility professionals and students will design prototypes and pitch new mobility solutions to create a sustainable future for all to enjoy. 

We hope this unique event will encourage more people to live a car-free life. It will also provide inspiration for transit agencies and mobility services to attract and retain users 30 and under.

Main Objectives

Each team will choose their own mobility problem to solve using design thinking to create a prototype and pitch of a low-emission, affordable, and accessible mobility solution in 2 different streams:

Makeathon 2.jpg

Why join?

  • Create a tech or social impact  solution to change the future of mobility

  • Network with mobility enthusiasts, changemakers, and entrepreneurs

  • Develop valuable career skills by working on a real-world problem

  • A delicious lunch is also included!

Sign me up!


Prior to the event participants will complete 2-3 mini-challenges online. For each mini-challenge participants will be placed in different trial teams. The mini-challenges will both inspire participants to discover a problem for the main challenge and help participants form teams. Participants can request their preferred team members the day before or during the team forming period of the event.


​8:30 am - 9 am​
9 am - 9:30 am

9:30 am - 10 am
10:00 am - 11 am
11:00 am - 12 pm
12 pm - 1 pm
2 pm 
- 3 pm
2 pm 
- 3 pm
3 pm - 3:30 pm
3:30 pm 
- 5 pm
5 pm 
- 6 pm
6 pm 
- 6:30 pm


Team Mini Challenges
Team Forming 
Research, Empathize, and Define Problem
Brainstorm Solutions
Iterate and Prototype
Video Pitch Explained
Make your Video
Video Screening

Team & Mentors

Event Supporter
Event Founder & Organizer
Event Supporter & Mentor
Event Supporter
Event Supporter

Our sponsor

INVERS Logo Big.png

Our Partners

Mobility Makers Logo Dark Blue Traced.png
PropulsionQc_Logo_couleurs (2).png

Sign me up!

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